Why Do Aids Patients Get More Funds Than Other Diseases
Question by jockmac: why do aids patients get more funds than other diseases
No one is giving free chemotherapy for cancer or paying for heart medications. As far as discrimination the only discrimination is by insurance companies
Best answer:
Answer by Med stu
Cos i think AIDS is more deadly than the rest and has no cure whatsoever yet!
Answer by july
It is possible to get free treatment and research for other diseases besides HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS tends to be more in the spotlight because it’s a so-called “vice disease”–a bloodborne pathogen that is primarily spread via sexual activity and drug use. It’s more “interesting” than diseases like diabetes because sex and drugs can be involved. HIV is also a virus, which means it’s contagious, so there is very keen interest on developing a vaccination to make it preventable. Although some cancers are caused by viruses, we’re more likely to develop a vaccination for HIV.
Many pharmaceutical companies themselves offer free treatments and medications. Teaching hospitals and research foundations are good sources for low-cost or free medical care. In Oklahoma, we have OU Medical Center and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, and literally billions of dollars are spent yearly on diseases such as pediatric diabetes, Alzheimer’s, lupus, and even allergies.
I have worked in healthcare education for 20+ years; I have worked for home health care agencies and hospitals. I’ve also been an insurance/Medicare/Medicaid biller. Sometimes it seems as if insurance companies discriminate against everyone who’s ever been sick!