Tulsa Drug Use: Economists, Politicians, Meddlers, Puppeteers and Economic Performance Enhancing Drugs

As a general rule I have observed that the academics who have not spent much time off of the college campuses are the most likely economic-non-participants to push for ambitious economic reforms. At the very best, the study of economics is a waste of time, and it has never been and never will be a science. Economists love to look down at the economy from their thrones found on their elite college campuses. From their throne perched high in the sky they look down into the small worlds of everyday business people and they offer suggestions to the small business owner and government overhauls to the members of congress. Because most of the economists have never run a successful business before, they do not pull from their work experience as a knowledge base and a source of credibility. These professors of economics instead turn to quoting each other and their obscure trade journals that no one except for their fellow academic-economic-non-participant peers read.

Over time these geniuses of economics eventually begin to show their true pompous tendencies as they truly do consider themselves to be exceptionally intelligent and therefore too smart and knowledgeable to actually participate in the day to day running of economy themselves. These economists and politicians are geniuses, why would they participate in the day to day running of our economies? In fact as any good researcher knows, you should not test economic theories on yourself, because everyone has their own bias (except for the researcher himself).

Not only are these academics geniuses, but they are also fortune tellers. They have this unique ability to see the future of our economy and of our world unfold before the rest of us low-life small business people do. In fact, if it weren’t for them, some people in our world would have to go without. Because of these economists and politicians we are guaranteed that no one will suffer and that not a single human will go without. It’s simple really to the economists and politicians. All we have to do is to take a little wealth from him over here, and then a little wealth from them over here so that we can give a little bit of wealth to those guys over here. The economists are very sensitive and caring whereas the barbarians such as a you and I that actually participate in the economy are too cash hungry to hear the cries of the poorest and weakest around us. The goal of the economists and politicians is of a pure nature. They simply want to make the world perfect for everyone, where as the “simpletons” that actually start and run the businesses are focused on greed, plundering and the hoarding of cash.

It is the goal of the academic elite to abolish poverty and to make it illegal to be poor. The politician wishes it to be against the law for any adult to go without a warm meal, health insurance, a proper education and access to reliable transportation. The politician simply cannot tolerate a world where people are paid based on what they do. No, no, this simply will not do. The politician must have a minimum wage standard, a minimum health insurance requirement and a minimum nutritional requirement for all of the people of the Earth. How will this all be paid for? Oh, it is simple really. We just have to take a little wealth from them to give it to them.

Have you ever heard of John Maynard Keynes? No. Well, you see…this is probably half of the problem. How could you possibly have any idea of how to improve the world if you did not know who John Maynard Keynes was? Keynes was an economic genius. What business did he run? What product did he invent you ask? How many people did he employ? No, no…John Maynard Keynes was not known for his personal business success. John Maynard Keynes was an economist whose “ideas” have had a real impact on our lives. You see the “incredible” John Keynes believed that you could minimize the effects of recessions and that you could completely get rid of depressions by making more credit available whenever the economy began to go through one of its natural up and down cycles. Essentially whenever the people run out of cash and stop spending, “incredible” John believed that if you could simply give some money to the people, they would spend it on something worth while and in large enough quantities to actually jump start the economy. View his plan as economic steroids.

Have you ever known someone who has taken steroids? Have you ever heard the stories? The seasoned veteran and all-star athlete has a career that is on the decline. They have had some good years, but they can no longer play at the same level they used to. Other new athletes are beginning to take their place of prominence in their sport. The proud veteran simply cannot allow this to happen. He hires a trainer. He starts taking steroids. He makes unsustainable gains. He gains 20 pounds of muscle over the summer. He doubles their bench press in 4 months. He gets huge. He looks great. People can’t believe how strong he is. He gets acne like he’s 16 all over again. His nipples get so huge, infants start approaching him for milk. Then his internal organs start to fail. Then he dies. This same cycle happens with economies too.

An automobile industry that was once great can no longer grow at the pace it once did because everyone in America already has a car. The proud auto industry moguls begin to see their industry that once boasted double-digit growth every year begin to be replaced by new “rookie” industries. Tech jobs are now in abundance. Talent begins to pursue these tech jobs. The auto industry begins to feel insignificant. The auto industry decides that this simply cannot happen and the politicians agree. “This industry is too big to fail” they say. Money is printed and credit is extended to these auto giants. Although the lack of capital is meerly the “fruit” of the issue, the economists and politicians are not interested in treating the “root” of the problems. As the money is handed over to the auto giants growth begins to occur, but not quickly enough. The auto-giants say, “they need even more money” and “even more credit.” The politician agrees.

Ludicrous “no money down and no interest for 3 year specials are advertised” to lure people who do not have money to buy cars using money they don’t have now (and won’t have in the future). Car sales begin to improve. America is excited. The stimulus is working. In fact the stimilus is working in other areas too. The government is actually giving away $ 8,000 to every person out there that wants to buy a house. This is a great deal, the people think. Then just as America begins to get comfortable with the return of their super-star industries something begins to happen. One by one, car payments become due. One by one, people begin to be unable to make this month’s payment. Things are tight and people are forced to choose between making their car payments and feeding their kids. Feeding their kids wins out. Slowly at first and exponentially after a while, Americans in mass begin deciding that they simply cannot afford their car payments. The economist agrees. The politician agrees. Right around the time that Americans begin missing more and more car payments, a small group of people begin to realize that they cannot make their payments on their new homes. Sure the government spotted them the first $ 8,000 they needed to buy the house, but how could they anticipate the hail storm and the electrical problems? As people begin to stop making their house payments in mass, the auto-industry has now nearly grinded to a halt. With no one paying for the cars they currently have, what is the incentive to design new and better cars? With no one paying, how can they afford to produce new and better cars? They can’t. And so they don’t. The effects of economic steroid (stimulus) use begin to show. Until the politician puppeteer begins to see what’s happening.

Just like the German people that failed Hitler, the politician begins to realize that it is the people that are failing this system. This system was perfect. The academics and the economists designed it perfectly. It’s the people who had failed. But this failure, and “economic correction”, is simply not tolerable to the economist and the politician. No, no. They have trade journals to write, interviews to conduct and voters to wow. And because the “incredible” John Maynard Keynes helped to create the “sensational” Federal Reserve in 1913, the government can now simply print money to improve things. And so the government does.

The government then begins defrauding the people again with artificially low interests rates. Just like a drug dealer, the government knows that the people only need one sample before they are hooked. The people love “free money.” The people love “free money” so much that they will never even stop to think about where all this money is coming from. “Surely, they know what they are doing,” the people think. “Surely, their is some gold on reserve or something to give our money its value” say the people. As our country crosses over to the dark side of the force, the people are too enamored by the glow of the material items that they are purchasing to realize the dramatic transition. The politician is happy. If laws could be passed to make people wealthy, maybe they should pass more laws? If the people do not pick up on the pattern that their money has lossed nearly 90% of its value since 1970, who is to stop them? Oh the people are stupid. Oh the politicians and economists are smart. With an uninformed electorate anything is possible. “If we can pay for anything simply by printing money and debasing the currency of an uninformed electorate, then nothing is impossible,” say the economists and the politicians. And so now, with the population completely drunk with free money, the major social engineering can happen. Sure their are side effects, but the people don’t know.

Now undertaking this whole social engineering thing is going to be expensive and it is going to take a lot of time to right all of the Earth’s wrongs. This war against social injustice is not going to be easy. After all their is the “War on Poverty,” their is Al Gore’s “War on Global Warming,” then their is Laura Bush’s “War on Illiteracy, “and then their is “Medicare,” “Medicaid,” “Social Security,” the “War Against Childhood Obesity” and the “Great Society” reforms and the “War in Iraq,” and the “War on Terrorism.” Sure, the facts remain that France, Spain, Greece, the former Soviet Union all have not succeeded in their “Social Engineering” reforms, but it was always the people’s fault. The economist and politicians do not make mistakes on the field, after all they do not even play in the game. They rush change the rules while the game is in progress.

Clay Clark U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Serial-Entrepreneur & Business Coach
Cofounder of Fears & Clark Tulsa Commercial Real Estate
http://www.fearsclark.com 918-481-2080

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NewsOn6.com – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports

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NewsOn6.com – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – KOTV.com | Uruguay …. Possession of the drug for personal use has never been criminalized.
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