The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction?

Question by runeknight94: The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction?
i have to do a report on this and i was wondering before i start on this section of the report if you could give me any helpful websites or advice or anything thats really helpful thanks….

Best answer:

Answer by David
depends on the drug. most addicts that i,ve ben exposed to don,t seem to have a good life unless they,re high. this is for booze, also.

Answer by Chris
Here are some helpful resources:

You should focus on a topic like prescription drug abuse or alcoholism and organize it from there. Don’t forget to address the importance of relapse prevention. Good luck!

Prescription Drug Addiction — Visit or call (877) 798-6220 for more information Approximately 10-15% of people in Florida have chronic pain. Many now ha…